Flow - temperature monitoring and control of multiple cooling circuits are now easier than ever with FlowTech. Existing flow regulators can be updated with a digital flow meter to adjust the right flow and pressure for more convenient monitoring and control. Tight Flow control is managed by proportional selenoid valves. Monitoring flow and temperature in&out of every circuit from 7”touchscreen display. Flowtech Software conveniently calculates cooling capacity per each cooling circuit. Alarm Warning such as out of temperature&flow limits per circuit can be seen from the display as well as through potential free contact in any peripheral equipment or the imm itself. Manifold can be connected to a network through ethernet connection. This will allow access from any remote connection. Flow is measured by technologicaly advanced sensors operating according to paddle wheel principle integrated in the manifold system. In&Out Water temperature is read by PT 100 sensors. +-1C temperature tolerance. Manifold is manufactured from non corrosive anodised alluminium. System components are mounted inside galvanised steel frame epoxy powder painted.
وحدات ذكية لزيادة نجاعة العمليات الصناعية عن طريق التحكّم في الحرارة في المنشآت الصناعيّة.
وحدات تضمن التحكّم الدّقيق في الحرارة من 90 إلى 300 درجة مائوية في عمليات الحقن والبثق وصناعة المطّاط.
وحدات موجّهة لتسخين وتبريد المباني (مصانع، مستشفيات، مدارس، مجمعات تجارية)