The internal cold air application is a newly applied cooling technique in the world to remove excessive heat inside the part after the blowing process. Cold air exchange throughout the cooling cycle to withdraw heat back from the inner surface reduces material stress and significantly reduces cooling time. Air distribution in the product is very important in order to achieve the targeted results. Blowing pins and blowing needles, can be specially designed for individual products to direct air to thicker walls and areas that are not very well cooled by the mold. Turbulent airflow inside the product is also a very important factor. Inflation valves can be designed to produce the product with the highest air pressure for the process.
وحدات ذكية لزيادة نجاعة العمليات الصناعية عن طريق التحكّم في الحرارة في المنشآت الصناعيّة.
وحدات تضمن التحكّم الدّقيق في الحرارة من 90 إلى 300 درجة مائوية في عمليات الحقن والبثق وصناعة المطّاط.
وحدات موجّهة لتسخين وتبريد المباني (مصانع، مستشفيات، مدارس، مجمعات تجارية)